“Unleashing the Purrfect Life: How a Feline with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Thrives in a Supportive and Affectionate Environment.”

Georgina Price and Christopher Lardner were devastated when their first adopted cat, Herbie, passed away shortly after they took him in at the age of 16. Despite the pain of losing Herbie, they remained open to adopting another cat into their home. This story was originally shared on Instagram and reported by meow.af.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina expressed her concern for the plight of the animals in shelters that had limited time left in their lives. To help out, she and her partner embarked on a quest to find a special cat that could use some extra attention in finding its loving, permanent home.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina stumbled upon Toby and Quinton while casually browsing the internet and shared with Bored Panda that these two endearing felines were discovered on the RSPCA website during their search for a forever home. Quinton, a black and white cat, was already seven years old when he was found, but he had lost all of his teeth. Meanwhile, Toby, who was six years old at the time, had an abundance of loose skin. The RSPCA had advertised them as a bonded pair, and Georgina and her family thought it would be even more fulfilling to adopt both of these delightful cats instead of just one.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina eventually learned that Toby’s condition was due to a genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) or feline cutaneous asthenia (FCA). EDS is known to cause abnormal skin elasticity, looseness, and fragility because of a collagen deficiency. Georgina wasn’t familiar with this disease before discovering it in Toby.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina and Christopher decided to visit the RSPCA to meet the duo who were currently living in a specialized unit. As they entered, they noticed that both animals were cowering in the farthest corner, exhibiting signs of extreme fright. Toby, in particular, seemed very scared as he spent the entire time shaking behind Quinton.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina was successful in giving Quinton a warm embrace, but Toby was too scared to allow any physical contact. Nevertheless, Georgina and Christopher refused to be discouraged and felt confident that they were up for the task of taking care of Toby, a delicate cat with unique requirements. They made the decision to adopt both cats, and remained positive in their ability to provide the necessary care for them. Credit goes to tummyandgummy for the image.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Tummyandgummy deserves all the credit for the picture. Toby and Quinton needed some time to adapt to their fresh surroundings and become comfortable. In the beginning, they stayed hidden under the bed for several weeks because they were scared. But as time passed, they started to emerge from their shells, thanks to affection and food. Nowadays, they act as if they own the place, doing whatever they like and getting annoyed when someone bothers them while sleeping on the bed or elsewhere.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Photo courtesy of tummyandgummy, Toby the cat has a condition that makes his skin very fragile and prone to injury, even during normal activities like grooming and playing with his buddy Quinton. His owners, Georgina and Christopher, are worried about his overall health because his stomach hangs down to his knees due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. They’re concerned that the extra weight could lead to joint problems and are keeping a close eye on him to prevent any injuries or wounds – something Toby absolutely despises!

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina was relieved that her son’s hypermobility wasn’t too severe and could be well-controlled. However, due to his delicate skin, he often tears around his neck and head. To avoid injuries, Georgina and her family discourage him from scratching or trimming his nails too short. Nonetheless, her son is an independent little boy who believes he can manage by himself. He even looks up to his pet dog, Quinton, to help clean himself, particularly when he has cuts on his face and head.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Georgina and Christopher go to great lengths to protect Toby’s joints and prevent him from injuring himself by jumping. They also take care of his claws to reduce the likelihood of damage. Toby, on the other hand, is rather self-assured and independent, believing that he can fend for himself. Despite the extra attention Toby needs, Georgina and Christopher are delighted to have him and his brother Quinton as their beloved pets.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Toby may have a health condition, but that doesn’t stop him from living his life like a regular cat. He enjoys spending his days bird watching, playing with bouncy balls, and cuddling with his human friends. His owner, Georgina, shared that Toby has a special love for belly rubs and will often nuzzle up next to her in hopes of getting some gentle tummy rubbing.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

A woman is sharing the story of Toby to raise awareness about his uncommon condition and encourage others to adopt cats with special needs. She wants people to realize that caring for these animals is not difficult and that they are still lovely creatures with distinct personalities who can reciprocate love.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

The image credit is due to tummyandgummy, the original owner of this picture.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Rewritten: The picture credit belongs to tummyandgummy.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

In order to steer clear of plagiarism, it’s important to reword the given text. Feel free to adopt a casual writing style and use English language.
Just wanted to give a shoutout to tummyandgummy for providing the image used in this piece.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Credit for the picture is given to tummyandgummy.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Credit for the photo should be given to tummyandgummy.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

The image is credited to tummyandgummy. In order to steer clear of plagiarism, it’s crucial to reword the provided content and guarantee that it’s distinct and creative. Adopting a relaxed writing style and communicating in English can aid in accomplishing this objective.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

The picture was taken by tummyandgummy and they deserve the credit for it.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

The acknowledgment for the photo belongs to tummyandgummy.

Cat With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds Forever Home, And His Humans Are Making Sure He's Living A Happy Life

Make sure to give Toby’s Instagram a look to see more cute photos! Bored Panda accepts contributions from anyone who wants to share their writing. Keep up with Bored Panda on Google News for the latest updates. Many thanks to tummyandgummy for the image credits.

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