“The Heartwarming Story of a Tiny Golden Retriever Who Becomes the Eyes of a Blind Canine Friend”

Canines have proven to be incredibly valuable to mankind. They serve various purposes in our community, ranging from providing emotional support, guiding us, or using their sense of smell to detect odors. Perhaps, it’s irrefutable that there are no better replacements for the services they offer us. Surprisingly, dogs treat other species just as well as they treat humans, without any discrimination. Tao, a 12-year-old golden retriever, lost his sight from glaucoma but still receives help from his ever-supportive assistant, Oko, which is a clear indication of their impartiality towards all creatures.

Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics)

Melanie Jackson, who adores her furry companion Tao, shared the story of how they dealt with a challenging situation. Tao was diagnosed with glaucoma, which is an eye condition where there is inadequate fluid drainage in the eye. Unfortunately, the disease progressed rapidly and unexpectedly. One day, Tao appeared to be fine, but later on, he started shaking his head (which dogs do when they feel pain), and in just a few hours, he became blind in one eye. As a result, his eye had to be removed. To make matters worse, in January, his other eye failed and had to be taken out too.

Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics)

After a swift recovery, the pooch regained his strength and was able to climb the stairs on his own within three days. He didn’t need a leash anymore and appeared to be in high spirits. However, there was a void that needed filling – Tao needed a companion to keep him entertained and accompany him, particularly after losing his vision. Luckily, Oko, the new 8-week-old pup, became Tao’s guide and playmate.

Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics)

Meet Oko, a new addition to Melanie’s family of golden retrievers. At only 8 weeks old, Oko and Melanie instantly bonded and have since become inseparable. Interestingly, Tao, Melanie’s other dog, has unintentionally taken on the role of following Oko around, mimicking his actions and even sleeping beside him. To ensure Tao does not get into any trouble, Melanie is simultaneously training him to follow Oko’s scent, while training Oko to listen and respond to her commands. This is essential as Oko’s curious nature could lead Tao astray. Whether walking or sleeping, Oko and Tao are always together.

Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics)

At 17 weeks old, Oko seems to have adapted well to his new position as a glaucoma awareness advocate for dogs. His owner, Mel, has teamed up with The Kennel Club to use Tao’s DNA to identify other dogs that may be susceptible to glaucoma, which can be prevented with early detection. The duo has gained a devoted following of 30k fans on social media since the news broke, and if you’re a fan of this heartwarming team, be sure to check out their social media pages linked above.

Little Golden Retriever Puppy Becomes A Guide For A Blind Dog (28 Pics)

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