Saying Farewell to the Sweet Potato Shop’s Lone Pup: A Heartfelt Goodbye Mourned by Loyal Customers.

Losing a beloved companion can be a challenging time for anyone, particularly those who have shared a deep bond with them. This is the case for the owner of a dog who has recently passed away and has now embarked on a peaceful journey across the rainbow bridge.

Once upon a time, there was a Shiba Inu dog that gained social media fame in 2019 for its unwavering loyalty and dedication to its owner’s business. The adorable pooch took on the responsibility of guarding the sweet potato stall, Inu No Yakiimoyasan, located in Sapporo, Japan. Despite being left alone for extended periods, Ken-kun managed the business all by himself, which is truly exceptional. His parents had nothing to worry about until his unfortunate passing.

Ken-kun’s job perks include a comfortable work environment. He has a cozy stand equipped with a space heater to keep him warm during chilly days, and a fan outside to keep him cool on hot summer days. His owner occasionally visits him to check on his well-being, and takes him for walks after his shift. Ken-kun is always enthusiastic and willing to assist customers when they approach him. He often jumps up to greet them and eagerly waits for orders or pats.

It may seem strange to some, but despite lacking the ability to count, Ken-Kun the dog has proven to possess a strong sense of honesty. Earning a reputation for upholding honor, this characteristic has helped to bring success to the Inu no Yakiimoyasan store in Japan. The unique addition of a furry employee has attracted a lot of attention to the kiosk, with customers coming specifically to interact with the friendly pup. This has undoubtedly contributed greatly to the business’s profitability. While greeting customers with enthusiasm, Ken-Kun also manages to keep an eye on transactions, ensuring that payments are made accordingly.

Regrettably, the beloved furry companion who loyally served its owners for many years has passed away. The owners shared the sad news on June 6 via their Instagram account, expressing gratitude for the support they received and confirming that their pet had peacefully departed at 12:50 pm. Despite being unwell since May 31 and undergoing medical treatment at a veterinary clinic, the exact cause of Ken-kun’s death remains unknown. Nevertheless, the owners found solace in knowing that their beloved pet was able to visit its favorite store before passing.

The day before the puppy’s passing, its owners noticed that it had come back home with an oxygen cylinder. However, there is still no clear explanation as to what happened to the beloved pet, who passed away naturally. The internet was flooded with images of the heartbreaking farewell given to the little fellow. He will now rest forever in a beautiful bed of roses, as he has earned his well-deserved retirement and is on his way to heaven.

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