How One Woman Caught Her Dad Snoozing with the Neighborhood Pups

Whenever Catey Hall visits her father, Lon Watson, she often finds him taking a peaceful nap on the couch. However, Lon is never truly alone during his naps because the friendly neighborhood dogs gather around him to snooze together.

At the Pound on the Hill rescue organization, Watson is passionate about his love for animals. His life’s work has been devoted to saving dogs and helping them find their forever homes. Meanwhile, Catey has grown up surrounded by dogs as her family has always been keen on taking care of them.

Following her marriage, Catey frequently pays a visit to her parents who have plenty of space for several furry friends in their abode. Catey’s dad is still dedicated to finding permanent homes for dogs. Presently, her parents are tending to four dogs; however, some nearby pooches, namely Rosie, Fluffer-Nutter, and Hooch, also enjoy spending ample time in their cozy home.

Lon is adored by all the dogs, who eagerly await his return from work to play and even snuggle with him. According to Catey, this has become a regular daily routine for her father and his furry friends. It’s absolutely adorable!

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