A Tearful Dog, Emaciated and Desperate, Finds Hope as Help Arrives

Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue is a savior for galagos, also known as Spanish hunting greyhounds. Every year, hundreds of these poor dogs face abandonment or even slaughter in Spain as hunting season reaches its end. Sadly, these dogs are often seen as unfit for adoption, causing them to be either placed in kill shelters or heartlessly left on the side of the road to meet their demise.

This is the story of how Matilda was discovered. She was heartbroken and filled with sorrow, wandering the streets all alone, her tears flowing uncontrollably. Her emaciated body revealed her fragile bones, as she barely weighed half of what is considered normal.

Tina Solera, the esteemed founder and president of Galgos del Sol Animal Rescue, received a heartfelt message from a group of compassionate young individuals who had come across Matilda. Driving through a nearby town at the time, Tina shared on her Facebook page that she had received the call. However, her initial plan to rescue Matilda without the need for a trap did not go as smoothly as anticipated. Thankfully, several of the young men kindly offered their assistance in safely loading the trembling dog into a crate.

Tina fondly recollects the challenging experience of rescuing Matilda. Not only was Matilda fervently biting, but the most unfortunate predicament arose when Tina desperately needed a muzzle, but it was nowhere to be found. The whole situation was filled with stress, as screams and tears echoed through the air, leaving everyone deeply distressed. However, Tina remains grateful for the brave and compassionate young individuals who courageously assisted her. With their noble hearts, Tina hopes that they will continue to advocate for the welfare of galgos, becoming true ambassadors for the cause.

After safely accompanying Matilda to the hospital, Tina faced a tumultuous mix of emotions. As a proud mother of two who had recently relocated from the United Kingdom to the sunny region of Murcia in Spain, Tina found herself torn between concern and confusion. Matilda’s piercing cries echoed through the corridors, leaving Tina unsure whether they stemmed from unbearable pain or sheer terror.

In that agonizing hour, Tina felt as though time had fast-forwarded, leaving her feeling twenty years older than she truly was. The intense cacophony of crying and screaming took its toll, leaving Tina to question her own capabilities and feeling utterly powerless. Nevertheless, Tina couldn’t help but take solace in the fact that Matilda was now in a place of safety – a small comfort amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

The emaciated puppy was covered in ticks and had a high fever. After receiving an intravenous drip, pain medication, and a comfortable bed, she underwent a comprehensive X-ray and scan to check for any fractures.
Within a few days, Matilda began to feel much better. Tina described her as a “young pup who has already experienced unimaginable hardship.” “I have faith that she will bounce back soon enough. She has been receiving fluids for a few days and is being treated for tick-related infections. She has a good appetite, but the most heartwarming part is that we saw her wag her tail for the first time…” The following video showcases Matilda’s adorable tail wag and her initial days of recovery.

Tina firmly believes that Matilda will make a full recovery by simply taking some time to rest, eat nourishing meals, and receive plenty of love and care. “With each passing day, I can see her insecurities slowly fading away,” she said optimistically.

The genesis of Galgos del Sol sprouted from Tina’s encounter with a stray galgo who was desperately seeking help. “It’s challenging to put into words the profound connection I felt in that moment. When he gazed at me with his soulful eyes and extended his elongated snout, I knew my life would never be the same,” she reminisced.

Galgos del Sol, a recognized non-profit organization in Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States, is dedicated to the noble cause of rescuing and rehabilitating abandoned and injured galgos. With a heartfelt mission to provide these beautiful creatures with a forever home, they work tirelessly to find them loving families in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Belgium. Currently, they lovingly tend to around 150 galgos, podencos, and mixes of these incredible breeds. If you’re interested in adopting one of these incredible dogs in the US or Europe, make sure to check out their Facebook page and Website. Additionally, you can lend your support to their remarkable endeavors.

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