How a Beautiful Exotic Shorthair Kitten Found Love and Care Despite Losing One Eye to Neglect

Myrtle caught our attention on Instagram and we couldn’t resist featuring her! We had a chat with her mom, Brandi, who’s an emergency veterinary hospital worker in New Jersey, to know more about this gorgeous one-eyed kitty who was born with genetic abnormalities in August 2021. During the interview, we learned that Myrtle was only five months old when she met her mom. We also discovered the ups and downs of taking care of a cat with genetic defects. We’re excited to share Myrtle’s story with you and hope you find it as delightful as we did!

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Hey there! Let’s talk about how I crossed paths with the lovely Myrtle. Can you believe it all started on Instagram? Yes, I stumbled upon her account @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair and instantly fell in love with her adorable fluffiness.

Brandi encountered Myrtle when she was surrendered by her breeder to a vet office where Brandi works. Although her visit was unrelated, she stumbled upon Myrtle in one of the cages.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

The cat in the picture posted by @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair on Instagram appeared to be in a state of deep sorrow and dejection. She lacked any noticeable traits that would make her stand out or exhibit a desire to engage with others. Her right eye had suffered a rupture due to a severe ulcer that was left untreated.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Can you tell us why you chose to adopt a cat with genetic abnormalities? Well, I have a soft spot for special needs cats and I tend to rescue them quite often. Fortunately, working for a specialty veterinary hospital has given me the means to provide them with top-notch care and attention. That’s why I decided to give a home to this adorable kitty with genetic abnormalities.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

The story behind the name of @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair on Instagram is quite interesting. When asked by MAF, the owner, B, shared that she loves giving old lady names to her cats. So, when she got Myrtle, she consulted with her coworkers and shortlisted a few names. Eventually, they voted and Myrtle was the chosen one.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

According to MAF, there are some misunderstandings that people have about cats with genetic abnormalities. B states that individuals assume these felines do not lead regular lives and cannot derive pleasure from similar activities as other cats.

MAF: Can you tell me about some of the obstacles you’ve encountered due to Myrtle’s genetic abnormalities? B: Myrtle has a jaw abnormality which makes it tough for her to eat. She requires only soft food. Additionally, she cannot shut one of her eyes, so she needs constant eye medication. Due to the malformation in her nose, she breathes through her mouth and faces difficulty in hot environments. Finally, she has open fontanelles, which are typically present in young animals but close as they grow. However, this is not the case with Myrtle.

We’re still trying to figure out why Myrtle didn’t grow normally – she’s only 4lbs at a year old and looks like a kitten that’s only 14 weeks old. Because of her small size and breathing problems, it’s tough to run tests on her since they usually need more blood than she can give. Despite not growing properly, her eyes did grow at the right rate, so they kind of stick out from her eye sockets. One day, while she was playing, she accidentally hit a wall and hurt her right eye, so we had to have it taken out.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Myrtle, the exotic shorthair, captured our hearts with her adorable Instagram pictures. We had the chance to chat with her owner and ask what they wish more people knew about cats with genetic abnormalities.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Cats with disabilities can be incredibly affectionate and grateful for your love and attention. They make wonderful pets, especially when their owners are willing to provide the extra care they need. With the right level of commitment and preparation, a special needs cat can be a fantastic addition to any household. Just be sure you’re ready for the responsibility before taking on the challenge!

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Myrtle, the exotic shorthair cat featured on Instagram, has a few activities that she finds particularly enjoyable. She is fond of traveling, spending time with her siblings, and going out to play in the backyard.

MAF: In your own words, how important is Myrtle to you? B: Myrtle is everything to me. After losing my beloved cat Gladys, who meant the world to me, I felt a void in my heart that Myrtle has now filled. She has become the center of my life and personality, and being her caregiver is my top priority.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

My exotic shorthair cat, Myrtle, is my faithful companion on all of my adventures. Whether we’re traveling to Montana or attending horse shows and fairs, she’s always by my side. We love hiking and horseback riding together. I feel like I need her, but actually, she needs me just as much as I need her. Our bond is unbreakable.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

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