An Adorable Exotic Shorthair Kitten Lands Her Dream Home Despite Losing Her Eye To Neglect

As soon as we stumbled upon Myrtle’s Instagram profile, we were immediately smitten! We couldn’t resist the urge to feature this gorgeous one-eyed feline on our platform. In our quest to know more about her, we reached out to Brandi, her mom who works at an emergency vet in New Jersey, to gain insight into Myrtle’s world. It was fascinating to learn that Myrtle was born with genetic abnormalities back in August 2021 and was only five months old when she first met her loving human. We also discovered how caring for a cat with such a condition comes with its own set of unique challenges and rewards. Rest assured, we had a great time delving into Myrtle’s story, and we sincerely hope you enjoy it too!

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Hey there! I was wondering, how did you and Myrtle first cross paths? She’s such a gorgeous exotic shorthair cat.

Brandi’s Encounter with Myrtle: During one of my visits to a vet clinic where I work, I unexpectedly came across Myrtle. She had been given up by her breeder and was confined to a cage. It was not my intention to see her that day, but fate led me to her.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

The cute little kitty in the Instagram post shared by @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair appeared to be feeling very down and low. It seemed like she wasn’t much interested in anything or anyone around her. Unfortunately, her condition was not helped by a severe eye ulcer on her right eye that was left untreated and resulted in it being ruptured.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Can you tell us what motivated you to adopt a cat with genetic irregularities? Sure, I have a soft spot for special needs cats and often take them in. My job at a specialty veterinary hospital provided me with the necessary resources to give her the best care possible.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

The adorable cat in the picture, featured on @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair’s Instagram account, has an interesting backstory. During an interview with MAF, the owner revealed that they have a penchant for giving old-fashioned names to their feline friends. When they brought home Myrtle, they couldn’t decide on a name, so they turned to their colleagues for suggestions. After narrowing down the options, they held a vote and ultimately settled on Myrtle as the winning choice.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Pictured on Instagram by @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair, there are misconceptions surrounding cats with genetic abnormalities. Some believe that these felines cannot live regular lives and that they cannot experience the same pleasures as other cats.

MAF: Have there been any obstacles you’ve encountered due to Myrtle’s genetic abnormalities? B: Myrtle’s jaw malformation has made it challenging for her to eat hard food, so she relies on a diet of soft food. Additionally, she needs regular eye medication because she can’t close one of her eyes. Due to her nasal malformation, she predominantly breathes through her mouth and struggles in hot environments. Moreover, Myrtle’s fontanelles (holes in her skull) have not closed as expected, which is a condition typical in young cats and dogs.

We’re still trying to figure out why Myrtle never grew to her full size. Despite being a year old, she’s the same size as a 14-week-old kitten and only weighs 4lbs. She’s also hard to test due to her small size and breathing issues, as most tests require more blood than she can give. Even though the rest of her body didn’t grow properly, her eyeballs did, causing them to protrude from her eye sockets. Unfortunately, while playing one day, she hit a wall and re-ruptured her right eye, so we had to remove it.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Can you share your thoughts on special cats, especially those with genetic abnormalities, and what you think people should be more aware of about them? This is inspired by a post from @myrtle_the_exotic_shorthair on Instagram.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

B (paraphrased): The cats with special needs are known for their affectionate nature. With proper care and attention, they can make great pets and bring a lot of joy to your family. However, taking care of them requires a high level of commitment and patience. Nonetheless, if you are willing to provide the support they need, these cats can make an incredible addition to your home.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

Myrtle the Exotic Shorthair is one adventurous feline! According to her Instagram page, she enjoys a variety of activities. Her favorite pastimes include traveling, playing with her furry siblings, and exploring the great outdoors in her backyard. It’s clear that Myrtle knows how to have a good time!

MAF: How important is Myrtle to you? B: Myrtle is everything to me. I had a wonderful cat named Gladys who meant the world to me, but when she passed away, Myrtle came into my life and filled that empty space in my heart. Being Myrtle’s owner has become a significant part of my life and identity.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

The adorable Myrtle, my exotic shorthair cat, is my constant companion. Whether I’m traveling to our Montana home, attending local fairs, going hiking or horseback riding, she’s always by my side. While I initially thought that she needed me, I realized that I needed her companionship just as much.

one eyed exotic shorthair kitten with genetic abnormalities

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