“A Heartwarming Tale: A Homeless Pooch Discovers Refuge Before the Festive Season, Welcoming a Bundle of Cuddly Pups Amidst a Ray of Hope and Devotion.”

“Similar to the biblical story of Mary seeking shelter for the birth of Jesus, this stray dog also found solace in a cozy barn filled with straw as she prepared to bring new life into the world – seven adorable puppies, to be exact.”

In the small town of Paleque, Mexico, a charming nativity scene was displayed inside a modest tent in the main plaza. This nativity scene showcased the typical festive figures posed in serene silence, but recently, an unexpected visitor joined them: a pregnant stray dog.

It seems that the sweet dog viewed the lively nativity scene as a safe haven, seeking refuge from the cold streets. It could rest and provide warmth if needed. Local journalist, Eric Guzmán, noticed this and found her nestled in the straw.

Upon closer inspection, Eric discovered that the dog had given birth to seven adorable puppies. With no other options, it appeared that the dog had chosen the lively nativity scene as a safe and welcoming place to bring her puppies into the world.

“I was surprised and delighted to discover that my puppies were in a safe place,” Eric told The Dodo. “They weren’t wet or cold,” he continued. It is worth mentioning that although it is usually hot all year round in Palenque, it starts to get cold in December, and the presence of dogs seeking shelter is quite common.

Eric began to spread the news about the dog and her puppies in the manger, and since then, many people from Paleque have made the journey to see them with their own eyes, some bringing food and drinks. Even local officials got involved and agreed that the dog family would be allowed to stay for as long as they needed.

Aside from references to sanctity, the animal lovers of Dejando Huellitas SOS Palenque have also stepped in to ensure that dogs are cared for now and in the future, and have begun to seek out homes for them to live in.

For Eric, the birth of the puppies inside the Christmas manger may not be a miracle, but he hopes it will leave a lasting legacy. “I hope that as citizens, we become more aware of stray dogs and choose to adopt them instead of buying them,” the journalist said. “We should love them regardless of where they come from,” he concluded.

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