The Resilience Journey: From Abandoned and Fragile to a New Beginning

Meet Olivia! In the afternoon of October 7th, 2022, Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary received an urgent call for help regarding a dog found near a creek. This poor canine looked thin and weak, in desperate need of assistance. Luckily, the shelter was just a short distance away, enabling the dedicated rescue volunteers to act swiftly. When they arrived, it became apparent that the small dog had recently given birth and was severely malnourished. This emphasized the critical importance of undertaking a rescue mission to save her life.

Upon reaching the location, a wave of sadness washed over them as they witnessed the pitiful sight before them—a female dog, appearing delicate and skeletal, struggling to maintain her balance. Even hours after the rescue, her fear lingered in the air, a clear indication of the numerous challenges she had endured. Unfortunately, her health struggles were far from over; subsequent examinations revealed that she was battling both heartworm infestation and abnormally low platelet and red blood cell counts.

Her fear was evident even several hours after the rescue, showing just how much she had suffered. Unfortunately, her health struggles did not stop there. Further examinations revealed that she had contracted heartworm and her platelet and red blood cell counts were critically low.

Olivia is required to undergo a two-week period of isolation as a precautionary measure to confirm that she is not infected with rabies. Let’s collectively send our warm and sincere wishes for Olivia to recuperate swiftly!

Help us share Olivia’s incredible journey with as many people as possible, in the hopes that we can connect her with the ideal family who will open their hearts and their home to her!

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