Last-minute rescue from euthanasia leads to a hugging dog’s rise to fame, spreading love and joy wherever he goes.

Dogs are becoming a problem in several southern states due to inadequate spaying and neutering programs. Sadly, many rescue shelters resort to euthanizing these animals to cope with the overwhelming numbers. It’s unfair to blame the dogs for human irresponsibility, and it’s heartbreaking that they have to suffer such a cruel fate.

Robin the dog was facing euthanasia before he was saved by someone. When he found out that he was rescued, he had the most heartwarming reaction. While he was being examined by the veterinarian, he showed appreciation to the person who gave him another chance at living.

When Robin was discovered, he was wandering the streets without a home. Unfortunately, he was taken to a shelter where they almost immediately decided that he didn’t have a chance because he had an injured leg. In the blink of an eye, the poor pup was scheduled to be put down for good. But, luckily, some kind souls came to his rescue just in the nick of time.

These rescuers quickly brought Robin to Vet Ranch where he could get the medical attention he needed. After drugging him, the doctors were able to take x-rays and properly examine his lumps. To everyone’s surprise, his leg wasn’t broken after all! It turns out it was only bruised. While the vet was at it, they went ahead and neutered Robin while he was under anesthesia.

Robin’s veterinary visit turned out to be a heartening experience as he appeared less nervous and more relaxed. He seemed to recognize that he was in good hands and exhibited his gratitude towards the vet during his check-up. While the vet was explaining his medical history on video, Robin leaned in for a warm hug, perhaps acknowledging that she had saved him from being put down. Consequently, he felt rejuvenated and lively after the appointment. According to one of the veterinarians, Robin showed no signs of lameness since his adoption from the shelter and was declared healthy, fit, and ready for a new home.

Robin had a rough beginning, but he is now out of danger and can look forward to a long and joyful life with a loving family. It’s inspiring to see how many people are willing to advocate for dogs like him.

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