“From Stray to Saved: How One Dog’s Massive Tumor Was Finally Treated”

For an extended period, she has been dealing with this issue, but now her circumstances have changed.

According to The GoGo YouTube channel, the Animal Kingdom Foundation received a notification about a wandering dog that had a massive tumor. The team promptly went to the location to transport the poor dog to a clinic for medical attention and care.

After examining Hope, the furry friend in question, they proceeded to administer antibiotics. The medical experts then decided to take a wait-and-see approach for over seven days before determining if surgery was necessary.

It’s unfortunate that she had to undergo surgery. The removal of the 2.6 kilogram mass took over three hours! At present, the pup is receiving round-the-clock care and attention.

Fortunately, in just seven days, she was back to her playful self, jumping and sprinting with joy. It’s expected that she will make a complete recovery soon.

We are eagerly anticipating our furry friend’s quick recovery so we can see her jumping, running and frolicking around again – it’s only been a week since her treatment began. She’s been eating well and we’re optimistic about her progress. We’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who played a part in helping her and sending positive thoughts her way.

After a span of two months, Hope is now completely restored and feeling satisfied with her new family. Such a heart-warming conclusion!

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