“A Canine with a Heart of Gold: The Unwanted, Blind and Deaf Dog Who Became the Guardian Angel of Foster Animals”

Life has not always been kind to Sherio, but he refuses to let that turn him into a cynic or unkind individual. Instead, this adorable pup has chosen to become a source of security and comfort for other foster animals. Sherio understands firsthand how scary it can be to come to a new home. Although Sherio is now in a warm and loving environment, that has not always been the case.

Serio not only experiences deafness but also partial blindness, which has made it difficult for him to find a permanent home. Despite living in two shelters and 12 foster homes, he has been adopted four times in the past, only to be returned each time.

However, as time went by, he came across Sheryl Smith. He was glad to have found her because finally, someone accepted him for who he is, including his disabilities.

Sherio is overjoyed to have found a loving family and since being adopted by Smith, he has made it his mission to spread the happiness and pay it forward. He is dedicated to assisting all the animals that Smith agrees to foster and does his best to help them in any way he can.

Sherio goes above and beyond to provide comfort and security to vulnerable animals. Through his affectionate kisses and reassuring presence, he strives to make them feel valued and cared for.

Smith, in a conversation with the Dodo, shared that after rescuing Sherio, he went on to care for a sick pregnant dog who couldn’t look after her puppies. Sherio comforted and cleaned the pups since then. This behavior is typical of him, as he patiently sits with feral cats and kittens, quickly bonding with them and establishing trust even before Smith does.

Sherio’s deep concern for the animals he fosters is not surprising as he has personally experienced being in their situation numerous times. Despite now having a permanent home, Sherio continues to grapple with separation anxiety due to his traumatic past.

The Dodo was informed by Smith that her son still gets emotional and sheds tears while traveling in the car as he is afraid of being left somewhere unfamiliar. However, Smith and her family are taking all measures possible to boost his confidence.

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